Thinking Like an Innovator
The Applied Skills, Design and Technology department has chosen the slogan, “Think like an innovator” for its plan. Essentially, students need to situate themselves in the design process such as an innovator works through when repairing or fabricating something new.
Students will be asked to clearly outline the problem or challenge they wish to overcome so they can brainstorm multiple solutions. With a clear understanding of the current problem or challenge, students can brainstorm possible solutions with the end user in mind.
The department hopes to promote resiliency, perseverance and commitment to a proper resolution while acknowledging that failure is a part of the process. Failure within the design process helps students over come adversity. In the end of the design process, the result is held against the the original design goal the student wished to overcome. This brings the design process full circle, allowing the student to evaluate how their product solved the original problem or challenge.
Please click the links below to see a couple of the projects that the ADST department did this year:
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