Instructions to Access Student Wifi
SD35-Secured-Students Wifi Access has been created to be more dependable with better bandwidth. Click on the links below for instructions for accessing it:
Password: First 2 letters of your name, first 4 numbers of your student ID and then $$
This Acceptable Use Policy is applicable to all persons using Technology while studying, working or visiting at the Langley School District.
The Langley School District recognizes the value of technology in enhancing student learning and in enhancing the administration and operation of its schools . To this end, and in order to support its mission and goals, the Langley School District encourages the responsible use of technology and the Internet to include the guiding principles of: respect, privacy, sharing and safety.
Access to information, collaboration and creativity are vital to intellectual enhancement and productivity. However, since the Internet is ever-ˇchanging and unregulated, information available is impossible to control or filter. As with other methods of communication, there are opportunities for students or staff to create and distribute inappropriate materials and to conduct themselves in ways that are unacceptable. Therefore, the Board is obliged to inform all students and staff of potential risks and benefits, and impose governance on the use of technology.
The Langley School District adopts this policy governing the voluntary or mandated use of computers, mobile technologies, other technologies and the Internet.
Policy Statement:
This policy shall govern the use of computers, mobile devices, software, networks, the Internet, online communications and other technologies (collectively referred to as “Technology”), provided to students and employees, by the Board of Education of School District No. 35 (Langley). Technology is provided for educational and/or research purposes and for conducting valid School District business. The intent is to:
- support and enhance the delivery of educational services to students and provide options to meet their learning styles, access requirements, and program needs
- provide tools to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the business of education
- enhance opportunities for staff to participate in professional development activities
- communicate with partner groups and the community.
Use of Technology and access to the Internet for any other purpose is prohibited including, without limitation, commercial, criminal, obscene, inappropriate or illegal purposes. Use of some technologies may require prior authorization by the School District. The School District reserves the right to restrict the scope of access to individuals or groups. Any user identified as a security risk, having a history of problems with other computer systems or found violating this policy may be denied access. Inappropriate or prohibited use may lead to suspension or termination of privileges at the discretion of the School Board, and possible other consequences including legal prosecution or disciplinary action appropriate under any applicable laws, policies, regulations, collective agreements or contracts.
The Langley School District makes no guarantees about the reliability of the technology it provides and will not be responsible for any damages that may be incurred. This includes loss of data resulting from delays, non-deliveries, mis-deliveries, or service interruptions caused by technology or user errors or omissions. Use of any information obtained or given via the Internet is at the user’s risk. The School District denies any responsibility for the accuracy or quality of information obtained through its technology.
The School District’s Acceptable Use Policy shall be interpreted, construed and enforced in all respects in accordance with the laws of the Province of British Columbia. Each party irrevocably consents to the jurisdiction of the courts of the Province of British Columbia, in connection with any action to enforce the provisions of the School District’s Acceptable Use Policy, to recover damages or other relief for breach or default under this Policy, or otherwise arising from or by reason of this Policy.
By using the technology provided by the Langley School District, you agree to abide by the terms and conditions of this policy. Employees of the School District must sign the agreement in order to gain access to technology. Consistent with the Code of Conduct, all students are bound by the terms and conditions of this Policy.
Terms and Conditions for Acceptable Use
Successful operation of technology requires that users regard it as a shared resource. It is important that users conduct themselves in a responsible, legal, professional, ethical, and courteous manner while using District technology and when communicating online using social media tools or other technologies. All other policies, including those on harassment, equity, and proper conduct of employees and students apply to the use of technology. The following is a list of guidelines whose violation may lead to suspension or termination of privileges:
System Security and Integrity:
- Breaking into a network is a criminal act. You may not violate, or attempt to violate, the security or integrity of the District’s computers, data or network.
- Users are prohibited from sharing their passwords or permitting others to use their account and must log off immediately after use to ensure that others may not access their account. Users are responsible for all activity within their account and will be held accountable for any inappropriate activity.
- Do not disclose anyone else’s user ID, password, network or Internet credentials.
- Vandalism will result in termination of technology privileges. Vandalism is defined as any malicious attempt to harm or destroy data, equipment, the network or agencies or other networks that are connected to the Internet. This includes deliberately or recklessly exposing the technology to virus infection.
- In order to enable fair use of technology, system administrator(s) may set quotas for disk/computer usage and usage time limits on some technologies.
- In order to protect the integrity of the networks and maintain efficiency, the connection of personal technology equipment such as home computers, routers, servers, wireless devices, etc. to District networks is not allowed without the permission and guidance of the District Information Technology staff.
Privacy and Confidentiality:
- Use of technology, including Internet access and email, is neither private nor confidential and may be tracked. Use of such technology by any individual, may be monitored or reviewed by the School District without prior notice. In the case of misuse or suspicion of misuse of the network or services, the School Board reserves the right to access any files/data on the system.
- The District may block or remove files that are unacceptable or in violation of this Acceptable Use Policy.
- Parents/guardians have the right where legally applicable, to request to see the contents of their child’s data.
- Due to the nature of some District approved online technologies being hosted world-wide, it is possible that an individual’s full name, student ID, school name, email and classwork may be stored on premises outside Canada. In such cases, the privacy laws of the country hosting the data may apply. Such technologies may only be used in the manner prescribed by the District.
- The District will not disclose or post a student’s personal contact information without the consent of the student’s parent/guardian or of the student if of legal age. This includes a student’s address, telephone number, school address, work address or any information that clearly identifies an individual student.
- The District will not disclose an employee’s personal information without the consent of the employee.
- Staff and students shall not post or discuss online, personal information or work related issues including student work, without the permission of all parties involved.
- When using social media or other websites to enhance classroom education or conduct School District business, personal information including full names may not be posted unless authorized and appropriate measures should be taken to protect the privacy of individuals and content where applicable.
Other inappropriate or illegal uses of District technology, the Internet and social media tools include, but are not limited to the following: [Please be aware that any illegal action carried out over the Internet will be reported to law enforcement officials for possible prosecution. Financial and legal consequences of such actions are the responsibility of the user (staff, volunteer and student) and student’s parent or guardian]
1. You may not use technology to:
- Transmit any materials in violation of Canadian laws
- Duplicate, store or transmit pornographic materials including sexting
- Transmit or post threatening, abusive or obscene material
- Duplicate, store or transmit copyrighted material that violates copyright law
- Threaten, intimidate, bully or spread rumours about another individual or group
- Use anonymous proxies to get around content filtering
2. Plagiarism/Copyright/Licensing. Plagiarism is the act of using someone else’s words or ideas as your own
- Students are required to give proper credit to all Internet sources used in academic assignments, whether quoted or summarized. This includes all forms of media on the Internet, such as graphics, movies, music and text.
- All students and faculty should also adhere to the Creative Commons licenses where the author/artist denotes what media may be shared, remixed or reused
3. Expected behaviour on social media websites
- The District suggests that employees refrain from “friending” students and parents unless it is for the purpose of enhancing teaching and learning
- Employees must at all times conduct themselves appropriately on social media sites and elsewhere in keeping with professional standards defined by the BCCT. The standards may be viewed at
- Refrain from commenting on your employer, supervisor or co-ˇworkers
- Refrain from posting inappropriate comments
- Do not disclose personal or private information about anyone without their consent
4. District technology is meant for educational purposes and as such may not be used for
- Personal business
- Product and/or service advertisement or political lobbying
- Playing network intensive games
- Harassing other users with unwanted email or spam
5. More information for parents and students on the benefits and risks of using the Internet may be found here
Glossary of Terms
Technology – computers, mobile devices including cell phones, software, networks, Internet, online communications and other technologies
Online – when using Internet based technologies like email, websites, social media, text messaging, etc.
Social Media – Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Flickr, MySpace, Ning, etc. where you can “friend” other users and communicate, exchange or publish information
Personal – home phone number, address, health related issues, other personal identification. In the case of students information this includes the full name. In the case of staff, it is okay to use the full name or business address/phone in official business communiqués in which case, it is not considered personal information
USA Patriot Act – In the case of data being stored outside Canada, FAQ on the USA Patriot Act may be found at however please note that data may be stored in countries world-wide.
This Acceptable Use Policy is applicable to all persons using technology while studying or working at the Langley School District.
(Revised: September 2014)
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