Grade 9 Career Education

The focus of Career Education in the Langley School District is helping students discover who they wish to become instead of what. At R.E. Mountain Secondary School, the Career Education 9 Curriculum is embedded within the regular required courses throughout the year and not delivered as a separate course. All students will be sharing their learning during year end exit interviews. This interview will be the cumulative assessment for their Grade 9 Career Education Report Card mark in June.  

We are excited to share this journey with our Grade 9’s as they begin to explore in greater depth their skills and passions, and start to determine possible routes for their goals. 

Semester One Events & Assignments

Take Our Grade 9 To Work Day Event – Wednesday November 1st, 2023

On Wednesday, November 1st, all Grade 9 students across the province will spend the day outside of school at the workplace of a parent, relative, friend or volunteer host. Launched in 1994, Take Our Kids to Work Day is an opportunity for students to explore career options and navigate their interests in a fun and engaging way.

All Grade 9 students are strongly encouraged to participate. If a student is unable to attend the event, they are welcome to come to school and attend their regularly scheduled classes. Please note that while the classroom space will be open to students, no new material or lessons will be taught in classes. All students are expected to complete the TOG9TWD assignment.

Please return permission forms to BLOCK A teachers by Friday, October 27th.  

TOKTW 2023 Day Permission Form pdf

TOKTW 2023 Information letter pdf

TOKTWD Assignment – Due Date: November 15th

Please note the assignment will open and be available for students to access on November 1st (not before). 

All students are expected to complete a digital reflection assignment using a QR code. The QR code has been posted in Grade 9 classrooms, to the hallway TV’s, the Career Corner Team page and been emailed home to parents/guardians.




R.E. Mountain Secondary

7633 202A Street, Langley
BC, V2Y 1W4
Phone: 604-888-3033
Fax: 604-888-2873