Counselling Update: New Dates for Course Changes:
All course changes are completed online through our online form. Each grade will have specific days and times for course changes.
If you require a change in your timetable, please fill out this online form for Course Change Request. All course changes must be submitted through this process. Emails, phone calls, TEAMs chat, and other conversations with staff will not be considered. ONLY ONE FORM SUBMISSION WILL BE CONSIDERED. Due to the new semester timetable and increasing enrollment, the possibility for course changes will be limited this year. Please note, that if a course change is possible, all 8 courses may need to be moved. Your counsellor or IB Coordinator will contact you if changes are able to be made.
We have changed the dates for course changes as follows:
Grade 12: Sept 10 (Friday) 2pm-Sept 12(Sunday) 8pm
Grade 11: Sept 10 (Friday) 2pm-Sept 12(Sunday) 8pm
Grade 10: Sept 12 (Sunday)12pm-Sept 13 (Monday) 8pm
Grade 9: Sept 13 (Monday) 2pm- Sept 14 (Tuesday) 8pm
Grade 12:
Grade 11:
Grade 10 Student Response Link:
Grade 9 Student Response Link:
Counselling Department
Jermiane Kemp-A-F
Tammy Ough G–LM
Tera Springenatic LN-R
Janice Babalos S-Z
Tina Costopoulos All IB and Pre-IB Students Coordinator
Thank you from the counselling dept!
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