Physical and Health Education

Healthy Body, Healthy Mind

The Physical and Health Education Department is striving to improve physical fitness and health among students. We want to equip students with the tools and knowledge to continue a healthy lifestyle for the rest of their lives. We will be using the slogan of “Healthy body, healthy mind”  to help focus their understanding of the mind/body connection.

Data will be gathered in Spring of 2018 to determine how teachers and students feel implementation of these initiatives are impacting student learning.


The Physical and Health Education Department is striving to improve physical fitness and health among students. We want to equip students with the tools and knowledge to continue a healthy lifestyle for the rest of their lives. We will be using the slogan of “Healthy body, healthy mind”  to help focus their understanding of the mind/body connection.

What did we do?

  • Teaching Mental Health in the classroom for all grade 9’s and some grade 10’s
    • 3 week unit
    • Mind-Body connection focus in all units
  • Brought in Physical literacy expert for a workshop
  • Tough Eagle race
  • Had many dance instructors in to show differences in physical activity for the future
  • Weightroom units
    • Nutrition discussions
    • Health presentations
  • Received certification with ACT for CPR and AED
  • Promoted student led learning and student reflection
  • Increased intramural opportunities for participation

How do we feel it impacted student learning?

  • Teachers believe students are enjoying physical activity more and seeing the mind-body connection
  • There is an increased percentage of students taking PE
  • One grade 10 girl became Vegan after researching and presenting on vegetarianism
  • Twice the students ran the Tough Eagle this year over last year
  • Physical Literacy language is being used more

How do the students feel it impacted their learning?

  • A student questionnaire will be developed next year to gather data in this regard

What will the department do moving forward?

  • Department is exploring ways to gather data from students
  • Plans are to continue 3 week mental health unit
  • Plans are to continue mind – body connection discussions in all units

R.E. Mountain Secondary

7633 202A Street, Langley
BC, V2Y 1W4
Phone: 604-888-3033
Fax: 604-888-2873