Career Education

Preparing Students not just for SOMETHING, but for ANYTHING…

Mission Statement:

To provide authentic learning opportunities that allow for students to take both personal and academic ownership of their educational journey so that they begin to more fully understand the impact and importance of  planning out  how the curriculum and skills developed apply to their future career and educational paths.

What students will KNOW:  Covering the topics and content of Career Education as prescribed by the Ministry of Education.

What students will DO: Developing the innovative, collaborative ,entrepreneurial mindset and skills through projects and self reflection.

What students will UNDERSTAND: Knowing the connection between work, life, school and how the core competencies contribute to becoming lifelong, resilient learners and being able to contribute to society as educated citizens.


Students will be provided with career learning experiences that meet them where they are and help them master the skills for today and tomorrow, with the goal of rigour and accountability.  Students will be deeply engaged and allowed to progress at a pace that lets them meet their individual needs and helps them master the skills for today and tomorrow.

Essential Questions for Students:

  • What is the point of school?   
  • How do the Core Competencies tie into your future goals?
  • What does academic rigour mean to you and how is this important in determining what your future path looks like?
  • What is your “why?”

How we will measure this:

For all grades (9, 10 and 12), have a beginning and end of the year student online survey that will provide both numerical and qualitative data so that teachers can adjust delivery based on student needs and results.  Area for student suggestions to address student directed learning opportunities.

  • By the end of Grade 12, student portfolios on My Blue Print (from Grades 9-12) will measure self reflected growth based on the Core Competencies.  
  • Capstone project will match students with a teacher or community mentor for feedback and progress reporting and allow students to reflect growth through development of an innovative product.

What is the plan for next year?

Grade 9: Learning how to open up and set up My Blueprint to start a learning portfolio. Portfolio to be set up based on the Core Competencies (see checklist for students from Marielle). Needs of community in career choices, indigenous and diverse perspectives in career choices. Exploration of career possibilities (look at career trends/outlooks) and curriculum choices. Leadership and volunteer experiences with decision making models and resiliency (academic rigour).

Grade 10:  Goal setting, graduation requirements, global trends and economy, workplace safety and employability skills. Pay it forward activity (social responsibility), values (developing positive cultural and social identity), entrepreneurial and innovative thinking (entrepreneurial trade show), STEM challenges to promote problem solving, teamwork, design thinking and critical thinking skills,

Grade 12:  Work life balance, digital footprint (leveraging social media), principles of ethics, professionalism in the workplace, labour market information, networking. Experience learning in the community (Work Experience, volunteering for Grad Trans), creating evaluating and adjusting career and education plan, personal financial planning. Mandatory meeting with Career Advisor for a career conversation. 

Data will be gathered in Spring of 2018 to determine how teachers and students feel implementation of these initiatives are impacting student learning.


To see the full Career Education report, please click on the link below:

Action Plan Results Career Ed 2017 – 2018

R.E. Mountain Secondary

7633 202A Street, Langley
BC, V2Y 1W4
Phone: 604-888-3033
Fax: 604-888-2873